For the 27th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) held on July 13-14, 2005, the National Academy of Science and Technology Philippines (NAST PHL) adopted the theme “Philippine Agriculture 2020: A Strategy for Food Security, Global Competitiveness, and Sustainability.” This meeting emphasized the critical role of agriculture in achieving national goals such as poverty alleviation, justice, and peace while addressing food security and sustainability. The event featured discussions and consultations on crafting a visionary roadmap, Philippine Agriculture 2020, aimed at guiding agricultural development. With insights from key stakeholders and support from various sectors, the ASM sought to develop actionable strategies to uplift lives through science and technology, driving progress toward the Millennium Development Goals.
Executive Council, NAST PHL (2005)
About the National Academy of Science and Technology PHL
Table of Contents
- WELCOME MESSAGEAcademician Perla D. Santos Ocampo
Executive Summary
Plenary Papers
- Vision and Aspirations for Philippine AgricultureArthur C. Yap
- Philippine Agriculture 2020Emil Q. Javier
- Enabling Environment for PA 2020Donato B. Antiporta
- Transaction Costs of Exchange of Assets and Property RightsRamon L. Clarete
- Higher Productivity, Food Security and AgribusinessManuel Q. .Lim Jr.
- The Nueva Viscaya ExperienceRodolfo Q. Agbayani
- A Strategy for Poverty Alleviation, Food Security, Global Competitiveness, Sustainability, Justice and PeaceOPEN FORUM
- Swine, Poultry, and Corn Industry and Pasture Ruminant Industry ClustersJavier P. Mateo
- The Fisheries and Aquatic ResourcesFelix R. Gonzales
- Strengthening Genetic Resources and EntrepreneurshipNoel G. Mamicpic
- Forest-based IndustriesFlorentino O. Tesoro
- Highlights of Agro-Industrial Cluster AnalysesOPEN FORUM
- Roads, Ports, Irrigation and MechanizationProceso T. Domingo
- Agricultural Engineering Curriculum,Mechanization and StandardsGeorge Q. Canapi
- Increasing Productivity by Reducing Postharvest LossesRicardo L. Cachuela
- Linking the Production System to the MarketCeferino L. Follosco
- Infrastructure and Support Services for Philippine Agriculture 2020OPEN FORUM
- Amending the Land Reform LawRaul V. Fabella
- The Enabling StrategiesJose M. Yorobe Jr.
- People Characteristics of Philippine AgricultureGelia T. Castillo
- Social Dimensions of Philippine Agriculture 2020OPEN FORUM
- Food and Nutrition SecurityRodolfo F. Florentino
- Modern Biotechnology and Other InnovationsNina Gloriani Barzaga
- Health and Nutrition Issues in Philippine Agriculture 2020OPEN FORUM
- Environmental Changes and Consequences of Agricultural PracticesWilliam G Padolina
- Strategic Plans for Resource DevelopmentAngel C. Alcala
- Asset and Policy Reform, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable DevelopmentAdolfo V. Revilla
- Philippine Agriculture and the EnvironmentOPEN FORUM
- Four Propositions for an ICT FrameworkEliseo R. Ponce
- ICT-The EnablerWilliam T. Torres
- The National Information Network of the Department of AgricultureRoberto G. Villa
- Information and Communications Technology for Philippine Agriculture 2020OPEN FORUM