Vision and Aspirations for Philippine Agriculture

Arthur C. Yap
Secretary, Department of Agriculture


This paper describes the Department of Agriculture’s vision of prosperous rural communities built on profitable farms that provide surplus for agro-industry and food security. Two major goals which the Department has focused on are (1) searching and developing 2 million ha of agribusiness land and aquamarine areas and (2) converting surplus production to lower prices of food items. For goal 1, 350,000 ha have been identified, of which 70,000 ha have been developed with the private sector, generating 124,000 new jobs. For goal 2, the Department has expanded the supply and reduced the cost of basic food items by establishing efficient logistics and marketing systems. Further, the Department has recommended a shift in focus from big farmers to small farmers and a change of program model from one that is supply-driven to one that is demand-driven and which is based on the principles of good governance based on transparency, accountability, and predictability and allowing meaningful participation by stakeholders.