Management Science for PAGTANAW 2050 Talent Development and Retention

Federico M. Macaranas, Ph.D.


PAGTANAW 2050 unraveled Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Talent Development and Retention (TDR) decision-making challenges and implementing them for its four clusters to contribute to the end goal of an archipelagic marine nation within evolving national and global systems. The goals of the proposed Foresight Institute (FI) are viewed through two management science frameworks, input-process-output-outcome (IPOO) and Kotter’s Leading Change model, with illustrative summary cases following six STI TDR steps. The approaches reflect the practical aspects of operationalizing efficiency, using experts, and empathy for people as the science itself adjusts to changing organizational environments. (i) Beginning with the end in mind, foresight-capable people for various roles must be lifelong learners (Outputs). Decision challenges of training (who, why, etc.) are analyzed with a data science use case on regional STI TDR supply-demand imbalance for high-skills future needs and a prospective information technology-business process management (IT/BPM) expansion into data-intensive markets to meet new challenges in climate change or information systems (Outcomes). (ii) The leadership and guiding coalitions (Inputs) need intangible ideas with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) tools of emerging technologies like (AI to transform people, e.g., the sense of urgency but patience for long-term foresight skills awareness, and the phronetic use of translational research for knowledge generation with multidisciplinary team for the overall good. (iii) Business Processes must consider where value is added highest in the IPOO, adjusting STI TDR activities to changing SWOT conditions – as shown in cases on process-induced learning in basic education, STEM retention through innovative first-year course design, and morphing problems in nursing STI. Foresight Institute failure may come from inputs/processes.


behavioral science, benefit-cost analysis, brain drain, economic development, human resource development, innovation ecosystem, information technology-business process management (IT/BPM), knowledge management, management science, social science, talent war