Meeting Global Challenges: Research to Market through Industry Clustering, A Model for Governance

Acd. Ceferino L. Follosco
Member, National Academy for Science and Technology Philippines
Fellow, World Academy of Productivity Science
Chairman of the Board, Alpha Machineries


This paper analyzes factors affecting productivity and competitiveness and cites the need to leapfrog, as simple productivity techniques are no longer adequate to catch up with our competitors. A proposed alternative is to focus on certain sectors, given the meager resources, constraints, and the advanced state of our competitors in basic infrastructure technology, governance, and even knowledge. To achieve this, clustering as a model for governance and productivity is being pursued by the government, academe, and the private sector so as to prevent the wastage of enormous amounts of resources due to inadequate planning, poor implementation, and lack of teamwork as was experienced in the past. Continuous improvements on the clusters are in process.

For clustering to succeed, there is a need for good and dedicated leaders and champions in government, the private sector, and the academe who are knowledgeable about various cluster segments or sub-segments of the whole value chain—from product development to marketing, including support industries and specialized cluster resources like infrastructure, technology, education, finance, taxation, and regulations.