Sustaining Ecological Services for Agricultural Productivity, Sustainability, and Competitiveness

Rodel Lasco, Rex Victor Cruz, Felino Lansigan, Agnes Rola and Guillermo Tabios III


Philippine agriculture is dependent on natural ecosystems for its productivity, competitiveness and sustainability. The last century witnessed massive destruction of terrestrial, wetlands, and marine ecosystems in the country. This has adversely affected agriculture productivity. Provision of water from watersheds has been impaired and soil resources have been degraded. There is a need to engage in massive rehabilitation activities in the country’s watersheds. Biodiversity resources are being decimated. This could have long term impacts on sustainability of agriculture production. The ability of natural systems to regulate climate has been impaired. However, there is potential for carbon sequestration in forests. Natural ecosystems can also help small holder farmers adapt to a changing climate. There is need to re-examine policies and institutions so that ecological services are restored and enhanced. One promising approach is through the use of rewards and incentives to conserve natural ecosystems and the services they provide.