Water Resources: Health and Safety Issues

Jaime C. Montoya



Water is an important basic commodity that is essential for human existence. As such. water should be safe and of the highest quality. Countries, like the Philippines. have set up considerably resources to ensure that safe and clean water is readily accessible and available to the majority of Filipinos. Many water borne and related diseases may result with poor water management, inadequate sanitation and inappropriate hygiene practices. These water-related diseases include diarrheal diseases. arsenic and nuoride poisoning, intestinal nematode infections. malnutrition, trachoma, schistosomiasis, malaria, Japanese encephalitis, lymphatic filariasis and dengue. However. efforts to implement successful public health interventions to combat these diseases are complicated by the fact that these diseases are associated with a variety of economic, societal and environmental factors. Biological agents that may affect water quality and safety include bacteria like Vibrio cholera, Echerichia coli, Salmonella parasites like Plasmodium and helminths such as Dracunculus medinensis. Chemical agents that may affect water quality and safety include heavy metals and pesticides that result from industrial and other man-made activities. Government agencies such as the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) are tasked to ensure that water resources meet the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW). Efforts should be sustained to promote quality water resources for everyone. Research and development efforts should also be intensified to achieve this objective. (take note of the scientific names’ format)