Stem Cell Therapy in the Philippines a Changing Landscape

Francisco S. Chung, Jr.
College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila


The Department of Health recently released guidelines on Stem Cell and Cell-based Therapy known as the Administrative Order 2013-0012, Rules and Regulations Governing the Accreditation of Health Facilities Engaging in Human Stem Cell and Cell-based or Cellular Therapies in the Philippines. This guideline was motivated by the massive proliferation of clinics or laboratories taking advantage of vulnerable uninitiated patients. If unabated, this unregulated procedure may harm people and impact the development of stem cell technology. Basic queries that will guide a prospective stem cell patient will be presented. To date, four hospitals are recognized by the Department of Health to practice stem-cell therapy. These hospitals are Makati Medical Center, The Medical City, National Kidney and Transplant Institute, and the Lung Center of the Philippines. This communication will focus on the current laboratory safety and monitoring practices carried out at the Cellular Therapeutics Laboratory of Makati Medical Center. The Cellular Therapeutics Laboratory is classified as ISO 14644-1 clean room ISO 5 class facility. The presentation will also feature laboratory standards such as autologous Cell Transplant release criteria and critical quality control tests. The future of Stem Cell Therapy will be profoundly influenced by the clinicians, scientists, regulatory offices, media, and society, who are in position to distinguish the difference between science and fiction. Patients who are left with limited clinical options are often entangled; wading through the investigative and controversial scientific breakthroughs is a tight walk.