VOLUME 36 NO. 2 (2014)

The 36th Annual Scientific Meeting aims to intensively discuss three “pillars” of competitiveness as defined by the World Economic Forum (WEF): infrastructure, information, and innovation. It will focus on the policy and governance aspects in the following infrastructure sectors: energy, water, telecommunications, and transportation. It is hoped that specific measures can be identified to enhance Philippine performance in these areas.

This annual activity of the Academy serves as the leading forum for the presentation of scientific and policy research. Policy recommendations on appropriate interventions will be submitted to the Philippine government and the private sector.

Front Matter

Copyright and other Journal Information


About the National Academy of Science and Technology PH

Table of Contents

Plenary Papers

Keynote Address

Technical Paper

  • Resolutions (2014)
    Infrastructure, Information, and Innovation (I3) for National Development, Competitiveness and Resiliency