VOLUME 37 NO. 2 (2015)

For the 37th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) held on July 8-9, 2015, the National academy of Science and Technology Philippines (NAST PHL) adopted the theme: The challenges of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs): Responding through Multisectoral Action.

While great progress has been achieved in the field of curative medicine, strategies for health promotion have lagged behind in our country. The main cause of this lag is the misconception that NCDs are diseases of individuals, solely related to lifestyle choices that they make. Based on current scientific knowledge, this theory is no longer tenable. Lifestyle is not a mere matter of personal choice. It is largely an adaptation to the world we have built around us. This means NCDs are not just diseases of individuals; they are diseases of society that will take societal reform to prevent.


Copyright and other Journal Information


About the National Academy of Science and Technology PHL

Table of Contents

Plenary Papers

Technical Paper

NAST PHL 2015 Resolutions

  • Resolutions (2015)
    The Challenges of Non-Communicable, Diseases (NCDs): Responding through Multisectoral Action